Alan Turing

Image of Alan Turing.


Alan Turing was born on June 23, 1912 and passed away on June 7, 1954 from cyanide poisoning.

Major Academic Events

Alan Turing attended Cambridge University in 1931 and graduated in 1934 and he got a fellowship at King's College because of his research in probability theory.
Then he studied mathematics and cryptology at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, earning a PhD in 1938.

Major Contributions

Alan Turing is known as the father of Computer Science and has many major contributions in the field. He was a hero in WWII, helping decipher the German "Enigma" code and possibly saving millions of lives.
Alan also created the Turing Machine, a machine that runs on a long tape roll of instructions and moving the tape through the machine. This was essentially the first computer and gave way for future computer scientist to create the modern technologies we see today. Using this concept, he was able to prove that not all problems can be solved by computers.
He also outlined the basic ideas of AI, and created the Turing Test, to see if people could recognize AI from humans.


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