Philip Don Estridge

Image of Philip Don Estridge.


Philip Don Estridge was born on June 23, 1937, and passed away on August 2, 1985 in a plane crash.

Major Academic Events

Philip Don Estridge went to the University of Florida in 1959, and completed a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.
He then went on to work in the army building radars, before working with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
Later, he would become the IBM Vice President and lead the team that would create the first PC.

Major Contributions

Philip Don Estridge's major contribution was leading the team that would create the first PC.
He is also responsible for choosing for the PC to have open architecture and to buy parts and software outside of IBM, which is now the widespread standard.
He also lead the development of the IBM series 1/mini computer and allowed for everyone to have access to powerful computers, instead of only the richest companies.


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