Timothy Berners-Lee

Image of Timothy Berners-Lee next to the world-wide-web


Tim Berners-Lee was born on June 8th 1955 in London and is still alive today.

Major Academic Events

Tim Berners-Lee attended Oxford University and graduated in 1976.
He then worked at Plessy Telecomunications and designed software for 2 years, and then began to work at CERN in 1980, which is where he would make his greatest contributions to computer science, and the world.

Major Contributions

Tim Berners-Lee's main contribution to computer science was the creation of the world-wide-web.
He also helped to develop and create major protocals and technologies on the web that are still used today such as HTML, HTTP, and the URL.
He is also credited with the creation of the first web browser, and helping make the web accessable for everyone.


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